Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.

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Sarah  Anderson
Posts: 19
Last: 3/20/2009
5/20/2008 7:17:42 AM

hey how are you doing? I was just wondering if you were going up to bowler this weekend? that would be cool if you were. Well I hope to see you there! I miss you alot. Have a good rest of the week. love you lots!!! Sarah<3

Neal Grosskopf
Posts: 213
Last: 7/8/2010
5/23/2008 9:24:38 AM

I'm probably not going to make it to Bowler this weekend. We are going to Sheboygan for the weekend to meet some friends there. Hopefully I will catch you the next time!

Kate Hu
Posts: 50
Last: 2/11/2010
5/25/2008 10:29:58 AM

How was Bowler Sarah? I wish we could've made it too but we had a lot of work to get done here to put the house up for sale. Hope you had a good time!

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2/10/2025 7:05:41 PM

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