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Neal Grosskopf
Posts: 213
Last: 7/8/2010
Moving Date
7/14/2008 8:05:48 PM

Kate, do you and Nick have any idea when you'll need Mom and Dad to help you move? I mentioned to Dad that we're closing on the 15th and he was wondering if you guys would also be moving that weekend.

Posts: 13
Last: 9/16/2008
Re: Moving Date
7/16/2008 6:46:27 PM

Well, thats a complicated question...we close on our house on July 31 as long as nothing changes. We can stay at our house through the 2nd week of August. We're going to look at 5 houses on Sunday to see which one (if any) we want to put an offer on. Then it depends on how long it takes to close on a new house. We might be staying somewhere else in between houses for a week or two and putting our stuff into storage. You guys can move when ever you need to and we'll figure it out from there.

Posts: 13
Last: 9/16/2008
Re: Moving Date
7/22/2008 8:05:51 PM

Um....they weren't what we were hoping for but we'll see. There are lots of houses to look at! We just have to find the time to see them all!

Re: Moving Date
2/10/2025 7:43:39 PM

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