Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.

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Kate Gr
Posts: 82
Last: 5/31/2007
How is it?
8/28/2006 8:52:14 PM

How'd your first day of classes go? Hows the roomie? Mom said that his parents didn't come with him...that sucks.

Kate Gr
Posts: 82
Last: 5/31/2007
Re: How is it?
8/28/2006 8:54:24 PM

Oh yeah, do you have a photographer yet or are you getting one? I've recently started checking into them and I'm having a hard time finding anyone I like and making a decision.

Neal Grosskopf
Posts: 213
Last: 7/8/2010
Re: How is it?
8/28/2006 9:35:43 PM

My first day was today. I have two classes that are sort of dumb. My f'n books cost $650 (I didn't buy them all) I had a professor tell us that if we weren't a biology major, we should drop out of his class. (Not much encouragment from a teacher)

Kate Gr
Posts: 82
Last: 5/31/2007
Re: How is it?
8/30/2006 5:08:34 PM

So did you drop the class? I'd assume if you're in the class it is required right? Sounds like an ass. How bout the roommate? PS...love the color palette

Neal Grosskopf
Posts: 213
Last: 7/8/2010
Re: How is it?
8/30/2006 6:55:16 PM

No I did't drop it. I sort of need a science class to graduate and since I only have another semester left I need to take it now. Enjoy the color palette dealy.

Kate Gr
Posts: 82
Last: 5/31/2007
Re: How is it?
8/31/2006 6:06:28 PM

Wow! What a deal! Neal: so I can't change the color of this font cause it is a reply? How come you could on your reply? I tried and it doesn't work.

Neal Grosskopf
Posts: 213
Last: 7/8/2010
Re: How is it?
8/31/2006 7:22:49 PM

What are you talking about? You should be able to change the color. If it gives you some sort of message try it again.

Kate Gr
Posts: 82
Last: 5/31/2007
Re: How is it?
8/31/2006 8:35:17 PM

I did respond, I said it sounds like a deal. When I highlight this text and click font color nothing would happen. I'll try again though. ahh..not it works and I did the same thing as before.

Re: How is it?
2/10/2025 7:38:00 PM

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