Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.

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Andy Fermanich
Posts: 13
Last: 5/10/2006
Yo Neal
11/14/2005 11:52:56 PM

Yo Neal Just read your blog and that is not cool. Tell those f*ckers to stay the hell away. I know from experience that it is not worth it. You waist all the money and all you get out of it is like a 30min high and then all you want to do is eat and be lazy and sleep. Wow doesnt that sound like fun. Not to mention that if you get cought with any on you you go to jail for the night and get around 500-1000 in fines. Oww yaa and lets not forget the long term effects of loss of motivation and ambition. And anyone who says we only do it like once in a while is full of shit because it always gets to be more and more often. Well thats my 2 cents and maybe some of that shit can help you talk them out of it. Later Andy

Neal Grosskopf
Posts: 213
Last: 7/8/2010
Re: Yo Neal
11/15/2005 12:12:27 AM

Well they are my friends, they just need some help. Oh by the way, Andy do you have a website or anything online? Where do you work now? Hows it treating you man? Thanks for your two cents as well, lol.

Andy Fermanich
Posts: 13
Last: 5/10/2006
Re: Yo Neal
11/15/2005 7:44:09 PM

Lol, Time for a site i wish. was going to register a domain some time since i have an extra pc that i can host it on, but its been kinda crazy at work. Been working in thrivents programming department for a few months now. Nothing special just little clean up tasks and what not. Not the funnest but you have to get the experience some how. Though this last month they are getting ready to put out an update to one of the programms and ive been putting in a lot of overtime testing. Nothing like spending 8 hours trying to get things to break. Well later, P.s. how you like Silver Lake.

Neal Grosskopf
Posts: 213
Last: 7/8/2010
Re: Yo Neal
11/15/2005 8:06:03 PM

Hey man you can afford it, this site only costs me $3 a month (I pay $18 every 6 months) It's nice to mess around with and try out some ASP stuff since I can't do that locally. I'm at Lakeland College not Silver Lake although they are only a half an hour apart. It's not too bad here. Their computer science degree is nowhere as good as Tech's program was. You learn alot more there but regardless I'll end up with a bachlors degree. Well back to some more homework for me.

Mike Kurtzweil
Posts: 1
Last: 11/21/2005
Re: Yo Neal
11/21/2005 10:00:04 PM

Yeah, tell those punks not to throw their lives away, but dont be a dick about it or you'll alienate them and make them want to rebel and it will have ther reverse effect of what you wanted.

Andy Fermanich
Posts: 13
Last: 5/10/2006
Re: Yo Neal
11/26/2005 1:48:03 PM

Oww yaa lakeland, my bad. Its not the money. That is super cheap. I just havent had the time. And we all know how much it sucks to have a site that doesnt get updated :) Haa Christmas vacation that would be nice. Though making money is good 2. Later Andy

Re: Yo Neal
1/18/2025 6:03:56 PM

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