Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.

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Neal Grosskopf
Posts: 213
Last: 7/8/2010
10/3/2006 6:50:32 PM

AHHHHHHH! My site has been down for the last 2 hours. It is finally up. After calling 1and1.com they told me they were doing updates to the server. (Some cockney british helped me tho I couldn't understand her)Good to see it is up again.

Chris Retlich
Posts: 50
Last: 3/23/2009
10/4/2006 9:01:43 PM

I know we talked today about your site, but still... that sucks. So far, I had about two non-consecutive days of downtime within a week of each other a couple years ago. Well, that's all that I've ever noticed anyways.

2/10/2025 9:00:29 PM

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