Fri. April 9 2010, 2:44:13 PM
They coat hangers sound better, actually ;)
Make great dirt-cheap DIY TV antennas too, just need to buy a $2-3 balun and cut and bend the metal coat hangers the right way. Not sure on the range though.
These guys ran a test on some audiophiles to see if they could tell the difference. We all know how expensive the Monster Cable brand is which I can attest to having just bought some super chea.p HDMI cables which work just fine.
By: Neal Grosskopf
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They coat hangers sound better, actually ;)
Make great dirt-cheap DIY TV antennas too, just need to buy a $2-3 balun and cut and bend the metal coat hangers the right way. Not sure on the range though.
Gah, forgot to re-add the parentheses around the words "coat hangers" when I re-submitted my post because the spam filter caught me using the word cheap. Oh well.
Lol, I should probably just email you my list of keywords or create some sort of filter system that ignores the filtering if a user is logged in.