Hi all!. I'm happy to announce that I have completly revamped my blog on my site. Please check out the new look and feel I have for my blog...I think it is in version 3 right now?
Also I have moved foward and applied a doctype to all my pages on my site. I went with transitional since I use a lot of html markup that strict wouldn't render properly. So what does this mean to all your non web designer people? Basically it means that my site hopefully will look "more similar" in various browsers now. One drawback is some things on my site might look different that they did before. If you notice anything let me know!
I've also been messing around with the photo gallery feature lately too. If you can't get it to work let me know. Emily had some problem with it but I wasn't able to replicate it.
In personal news I miss Emily. I wish I could see her more often since talking on the phone is nice and all but being in person is better. Classes are going slightly better now than earlier. It's almost time to register for next semester classes so I'm excited for that since it will be my last semester of college. Ahh nervousness. Well thats all for now. Go get out my blog board now!