Hi all! I've just made some sort of large changes to the template of my site so I figured I would write a blog about it. I was getting sort of bored with how my site looked before so I figured I would try to make it look a bit better. Hopefully any of you who visit my site will think the same. The two big changes I made were changing the background image to a striped looking one and then making the header of my site taller to compensate for the background image.
I've also changed the drop shadow effect on my site so that it uses a transparent png file. The problem with doing this is that Internet Explorer 6 doesn't support transparent png files and the hacks to make it work don't allow a tile effect of it. What I had to do was create completely different images for those using IE6. What this means is any of you who are still using IE6 (Kate, Sarah, Chris etc.) will have to download a 56kb file for the background rather than a 1kb file for users of Firefox, IE7, Safari etc.
Otherwise it seems like a really nice day outside so that's all I have for now, don't want to waste too much more time on my computer today. Adios!