Well I suppose it's time for a new blog entry. Since my last post not a lot has changed. Right now we quasi own a house but we cannot land a mortgage for it until 45 days or less on the closing date. That puts us somewhere around July, so the waiting begins. Probably the worst part about that is who knows what could happen between now and then, either to Emily and I or the house. Either way if we had the house now, I suppose it would just happen to us when we're in the house rather than not so why am I stressing about that?

Emily and I have had a few weekend off now since our busy month of March where we went home every weekend. It is kind of nice to have some time off. Last weekend I feel in love with Sim City 4 again. It's such a great game. It also helps that I lost a lot of progress on several of my cities in transfer from one computer to the other so that means I have start them all over again. Yeah it's just an excuse to play, I know.

In site news...my website is freaking bumping! Ok enough with the ghetto slang, lets just say it's busy. Yesterday I got linked in from a Japanese web developer and landed 85 visits, and today I am already to 85 visits and the day isn't done. 85 is currently my record for most amount of visits in one day so I foresee my site breaking the record again today. I am very excited to become ulti-nerd-famous. What's cool about the linkin is if you look at the picture on the website, they actually took a screenshot of my CSS Diagnostics code and placed it in the article. My code is famous...sort of.

In other site news I created a bookmarket for my Open Links section. It works really slick too. It allows me to quickly add pages to Open Links without having to type an article title or description. Some sites still require typing it up, but it saves a lot of time on other sites.

Well that will about do it for this blog entry. Sorry it wasn't more exciting.