Hi everybody. Nothing new on my site right now. I figured it was time for a new post since I have time to do it. Life is going good right now. The other night was fun. Mike came over to Emily's and we all played video games and listened to music. Probably not everybody's idea of a fun time but it was for me I guess.
It seems like summer is going by quickly and I haven't had much time so far. In a sad way I'm looking forward to school so I can sit around and play video games all night or spend even more time working on my web site and learning new tricks to the trade. One thing I'm not looking forward to is homework. I think I have some harder classes this time around not to mention an really weird schedule. I guess I just have to get used to the 40 hour lifestyle because it's only going to get worse from here...but maybe not. In a year I'll finally be living with Emily rather than living there like I do now but without all my earthly posesions. That's one thing I don't like is never having any of my stuff around. Then when Emily comes to my house I finally have my stuff and I forget to pay attention to her since I'm never home to use any of it. The opposite is true as well. I'm at college and I finally have all my stuff but now I don't have Emily. Graduation will finally unite the two loves of my life. Gez this is a pretty long blog entry eh? My home page is going to load slow now. Oh well. Thanks for reading!