Long time no blog. Quite a bit has changed since I wrote on here last. Probably the most interesting is that Emily came to Sheboygan and we looked at apartments. It took us a whole day to figure out where to live. I will be moving out of the dorms April 23rd now and I am excited about that. The dorms just arn't that great of a place to be considering there is no room for really anything in them. Me and Emily have also been buying some funiture for our apartment lately and that is sort of fun.
In work news my new job as the webmaster of Lakeland College is going good. The job is good because it is a good balance of busy work yet allows for enough time for creative personal projects. I think more jobs should allow employees time for personal projects that can enhance their job. I have also been doing a lot of cleanup on lakeland.edu. OCD I guess...lol.
In site news I've done a few things here and there. I made my home page completly free of tables. It looks sort of weird in different browsers too (so much for standard complience eh?). I was bored the other day and created various stylesheets for different types of media as well.
Another thing I have been working on the past few days is creating my own chat room from scratch. I got the inspiration from the XMLHttpRequest trick I learned from Chris. There is a good chance that it isn't completely bug free so let me know if something doesn't work on it. I'm not really sure if anybody will use it anyways, I guess it was just something I wanted to try to do for fun.
I gues overall life is going pretty good and I am anxious to move out and start living life. Enjoy!