Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.


Feb 19

Hello all. It's been a bit since I have posted anything on here. Sorry I haven't been making any major changes/additions to the site lately. One thing I did as is a user control panel. If you have signed up on my site you will be able to view this. After you log in it will take to this centralized page of all the features and things about your account. In a perfect world I would like to expand the user account thing more and let you add a picture to your profile.
There are a lot of half done projects on my site that I could potentially finish. I never finished the review system I created. I also want to create a section on my site to post some web design/development guides. These seem to draw a lot of trafic around the web and probably would be of use to some people.
In other news life is going pretty good right now. Really can't complain about much. Probably the only fears are employment and it's relation to me getting married. There are a lot of things that need to come together in may/june and once I have a job that will be a lot easier. Well that's all for now!...View Comments (0)
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Feb 09

Hello all! The changes I've done on my site recently only benifit blind people. Yeah sorry! Alot of the changes I've done are behind the scenes stuff that really won't matter to the everyday visitors. Basically my site is more accessible and is less "1999." If you notice anything really weird it's probably because of these changes.
In personal news...it's job hunting season. While I won't get into specifics because prospect employers will eventually visit this site I will say my hunt is going well thus far. My sister Kate is on the hunt as well.
Also my good friend and boss Jason is gone from Lakeland College. He will be dearly missed. Feel free to visit his myspace/facebook - ish site pagebuildr and start a site on there...but don't forget to visit my site as well then! Also Emily is hot and is getting hotter by the day (she wanted to be mentioned in my blog more often) Well that's all for now!...View Comments (2)
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Jan 29

Hello all. I haven't made a great deal of changes to my site lately. I've sort of got into that "let it idle mode" where people either post stuff to it or I post stuff to it and the content takes care of itself. Over the past few days my site appears to be somewhat stable and not crashing so often. The home page for sure loads quicker so maybe that has attributed to it.
One bad thing about my site lately is that these spammers are visiting it often and posting useless posts on my blog. Usually they consist of some random name with a link to a site for viagra. I haven't found time to filter them out yet so I removed the quick reply form on my home page. I suspect they were using that to spam me with rather than visiting the blog board first, clicking a post and then posting some spam.
In school news I feel like I've accomplished a good deal of work today. I still have some time left now to do some more which I plan on doing after I'm done with this. I've wrote two papers today and a read a chapter for a class.
I'm also considering setting up some sort of wedding area of my site that I would put on me and Emily's invitations for people. I'm not fully sure what would be useful in that area but if anybody has any ideas let me know! Well it's probably about that time to go work on some more homework. Until next time......View Comments (4)
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Jan 23

Well here goes round two for this blog post (stupid table editor doesn't remember if your logged in or not on the "add a new record page". Speaking of losing work, last night something must have happend to the server my site is hosted on because when I came to my site this morning, all my work was lost and all the new posts ect. that me and another kid posted were lost. Apparently 1and1 must have done a restore on all the files and it lost all the changes that occured. I might be able to save some of the lost work if I'm lucky.
In site news my home page should now be loading much faster. It loads of off text files insted of database connections. Also I am working on a new section for my site called "Reviews." It will allow you to assign ratings to anything you want such as movies, music, products, or ex-boyfriends...pretty much anything you can think of you can rate. By the way I lost all the work I did on that last night but if I left the files open in Dreamweaver then I should be able to get them back. Well try number two at this blog post turned out much shorter than number one so that's all I have for now. ...View Comments (5)
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Jan 16

Hello all. My new site is up and running. Like my old site it appears that the home page at the least is loading slowly. I've been looking into this a lot lately. It seems to me that the first time you visit the site, the home page loads slow but then click on it again, it then loads quickly. You will notice some load time tests on the right hand side of the screen of the home page that I am monitoring each time I come to the site. Basically whatever two items on the list have the greatist amount of seconds or milliseconds between them are the slowest loading part of the home page. It seems to me that the blog and forum have the greatest amount of space between them consistantly.
In other site news I have tweaked the style of my photo gallery a bit. I have also been updating other sites and templates as well.
School is going ok. Despite only having two in class room classes this semster I am just as busy as before. Tuesdays I get back to my room at 5. Wednesday I get back at 7. Thursday I get home at 7. Fridays I get home at 5. I do have Mondays off but It's hard accomplishing as much as I like then.
I am a second semester senior as most of you know and it is now time for me to go on the job hunt. My head really hurts with way too much thinking to do with jobs and all. Somebody just hire me! lol. Ok it's time to call Emily, thanks for the read!...View Comments (8)
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