Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.


Jan 10

Hi all. I'm very excited to give you the all new nealgrosskopf.com! I've spent the last month working on my new site off and on. I hope that you like it.
There are a few things here and there that aren't done on my site yet, but don't worry I will get those done soon, since they bug me not being done. I just wanted to get my site out earlier rather than later because it is exciting to me.
I haven't added any "new" pages to my site since I was so busy converting the old ones and there probably won't be anything new for awhile until I finish up all the small stuff.
Hopefully new new design will satify everybody for awhile. Oh I just thought of some new things I added. Basically everything on the right hand side of the screen is new. That is the font increaser, print page, email page, and site search. Feel free to use this as much as you want.
If you have any problem please contact me and let me know what is wrong. There are a lot of things I missed or skipped during the process that I need to go back and finish. Thanks!...View Comments (8)
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Dec 26

Hi again. Christmas is over, well almost, there are still some lingering presents out there yet. I went to my Aunts in Madison for Christmas this year and that was a pretty good time.
For presents I got this year, a lot of the stuff I got was related to working such as cloths ect. Ahh I'm having trouble writting right now with my music turned on, can't have my brain doing two things at once.
As far as school goes, I did better than I expected on my grades. They still wern't as good as my other semesters but I managed to squeak by and still get my scholarship money it appears with a 3.03.
You all have probably noticed that nothing new has been going on lately on my site. The reason being is I am working hard on my new site. I have the home page and 75% of my blog done on my new site right. Re-designing my site is proving to be a big task and I think it will probably take me a month or two at the rate I am going. I am debating whether to launch the site incomplete or not. I was thinking that I would get the more important pages done first such as my blog, messageboard, openlinks, polling booth, and photo gallery and then just work on the other pages when I can. Well thats all for now, enjoy!...View Comments (0)
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Dec 16

Hola all. Some fun news from my neck of the woods. This week I went to Appleton and bought back a bunch of my dvd's that were stolen from my dorm this semester. I bought 28 dvds and 2 video games. I feel pretty certain about the people who took my stuff are though I don't think I'll ever get my stuff back, (which at this point I don't need since I am re-buying it all) Anyways if you care go to www.facebook.com then > search > then > Lakeland College then > type "Kehl" in. This kid got kicked out of our dorm for stealing other stuff and I've been checking up on him and other people and he seems very probable. Anyways here's a picture of him I've posted on my site. Okay I've spent too much time bickering over that. On to other news.
I have my Science grade in thus far. This class was a tough one. I was happy to find out today that I pulled 707 points in the class out of 1000 which is this class is actually a "C". I barely made it to the C as well. I squeeked out some semi good grades at the end of the semester which helped me out. Well my hand is going numb from all the Resident Evil 4 I played tonight so I'll end this. See ya all!...View Comments (7)
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Dec 11

Out Sick...
Hi everyone, over the weekend I managed to get really sick. Great timing too with me becoming sick smack dab on finals week. This morning 45 minutes before my first final of the week, I puked in the bathroom. The stomach ache comes and goes but I have a perminant soar throat and I can barely talk anymore or swallow. Only two more days of this and I can aleast feel crappy from the comfort of my own home....View Comments (4)
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Dec 06

Hello everybody. It has been some time since I have posted last, or at least it feels that way. Perhaps it is because I haven't been working on my site very much lately. The reason being is because I am vigirously working on a re-design of nealgrosskopf.com. I'm still not 100% sure if I will go with this new look but I have spent quite some time tweaking it now that I might as well with all the work I have put into it.
My new site should look quite a bit more "professional" expecially since I am a web designer after all. While I do enjoy my current site, it feels a bit lacking in the design quality compared to many of the other sites I have done lately. Now the only problem is to find time to convert my some 50+ pages from my old site to my new site. I could either do it one page at a time and basically "leave out" the other pages as incomplete or I could do the entire thing at once behind the scenes. If anybody has any ideas let me know!
As far as updates on this site are concerned I did spend a good week futzing with an old template of mine. I updated the look and feel of my Faded Scenary Template so go and check that out.
In other news the semester is coming to an end. I have an A in one class thus far. The rest are still to be determined. I know my grades won't be as great this semester as they have past but I'm hoping for that miracle that happens to me every semester when my grades for some reason alway end up higher than what I thought they were going to be. Well I should be going...enjoy!...View Comments (0)
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