Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.


Apr 25

Well a lot has happened since I last wrote in here. I have finally moved out of the dorms at Lakeland. This rocks! The dorms aren't really that great especially when I can afford better. On Monday we took 3 cars and a large trailer worth of my stuff down to Sheboygan and moved me into my first apartment.
According to the website it is 947 square feet. There seems to be plenty of room right now but maybe I am too used to living in the dorms or at Emily's old apartment which were the size of one room here.
We have a room devoted to computers which is really great. I hooked up one computer so that I can watch movies on it when I'm on my other computer with a seperate monitor. This computer could also be watched from the futon we have in the room. Another great thing about the apartment is the walk in closet. It is really huge and will work great to store random stuff in it. The place is also not too far from Lakeland where I work which makes the commute pretty easy.
Probably the only bad thing is it is sort of quiet around here. I barely talk at all since I'm here alone and the cat doesn't talk back...lol. I can't wait till Emily moves in!
In school news I am almost done!!! Seriously tomorrow is pretty much my last day that matters anymore. I have to hand in a paper and take an oral exam. I suspect all will go well and I will graduate. It will be nice to finally be done with school although I will miss going to class and breaking up the day of work though.
I haven't made many changes on my site lately. I haven't had much time to. I have been unpacking and such for most of my free time. Once I get settled in I may have more time for that. Well that is all for now. Check out my photo gallery for several pics of the apartment....View Comments (0)
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Apr 03

Long time no blog. Quite a bit has changed since I wrote on here last. Probably the most interesting is that Emily came to Sheboygan and we looked at apartments. It took us a whole day to figure out where to live. I will be moving out of the dorms April 23rd now and I am excited about that. The dorms just arn't that great of a place to be considering there is no room for really anything in them. Me and Emily have also been buying some funiture for our apartment lately and that is sort of fun.
In work news my new job as the webmaster of Lakeland College is going good. The job is good because it is a good balance of busy work yet allows for enough time for creative personal projects. I think more jobs should allow employees time for personal projects that can enhance their job. I have also been doing a lot of cleanup on lakeland.edu. OCD I guess...lol.
In site news I've done a few things here and there. I made my home page completly free of tables. It looks sort of weird in different browsers too (so much for standard complience eh?). I was bored the other day and created various stylesheets for different types of media as well.
Another thing I have been working on the past few days is creating my own chat room from scratch. I got the inspiration from the XMLHttpRequest trick I learned from Chris. There is a good chance that it isn't completely bug free so let me know if something doesn't work on it. I'm not really sure if anybody will use it anyways, I guess it was just something I wanted to try to do for fun.
I gues overall life is going pretty good and I am anxious to move out and start living life. Enjoy!...View Comments (0)
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Mar 19

Well spring break is finally over. I don't know If I can even call it a break since I had no time off during it. I worked 40 hours last week at Thrivent. It was my last week there. It was kind of a sad time since the people there are really nice and I may not see them again. It was a rather slow week of work as well which can be good or bad depending on how you look at it.
The bright side of the story is I am starting my first official full time job of my life at Lakeland. It's kind of crazy to think that I will be working 40 hours a week for the next 40 or more years now. What the heck will web pages even be like in 40 years anyways? Look how much they have changed in the 15 years or so that the web has been around.
Next weekend me and Emily are going apartment hunting in Sheboygan. I am excited about that since I think it is fun to look at those kind of things. It will also be nice to be with Emily for the weekend down here and we can just drive around and get lost in the city since neither of us are familiar with the area that much.
In site news I have added the reviews section to the home page of my site now. I'm not sure if all of you noticed that I added the new section or not but with it being on the home page, perhaps it will get used a bit more. I see Chris has already posted a comment on it.
Well it's pretty late now and I should go to bed so I feel somewhat awake for my first day of work tomorrow. Yay!...View Comments (5)
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Mar 09

Hello all! I've finally got around to completing my latest and greatest feature on my site. My new feature is called Reviews (or My Reviews if you want proper English in that last sentence.) Basically Reviews allows you to reviews virtually anything you can think of. You could review a movie you recently watched or a cd you just bought. Or if you bought a new product give that a review as well. Heck you can even review your past boyfriend or girlfriend (there are other sites out there that allow you to do this as well)
For my first review I reviewed Pagebuildr.com which is a social networking site my former boss at Lakeland created. Don't forget that you can vote on a review somebody else has made already too if you don't agree with the rating they gave it. You can also add comments to others reviews.
In personal news my car sucks. First of all my passenger side door can't be opened from the outside. Then last night I couldn't unlock my drivers side door. I was basically locked out of my car. I spent a good 30 minutes turning the key left and right with no success. Ahhh.
Well that's all for now. Go and check out my new reviews section!...View Comments (0)
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Feb 26

Hi everyone. Hope you all survived the snow storm this weekend. I've posted a picture of how it looks up by New London in my Photo Gallery.
In site news I’ve finally managed to fight off the form spammers. In the last few months I have been receiving more and more useless posts to various natural male enhancement pills from random people. I have some things in place now that should keep them at bay. From my records I’ve already stopped one spammer so apparently it is working now.
In personal news my job hunt is finally over. Starting March 19th I will be the new Webmaster err...Coordinator of Interactive Communications of Lakeland College. I’m pretty excited about it. It’s really the first time I’ve had any say on how things should go on a website (of course other than my own).
With the new job comes some relocation as well. After I graduate I will be moving down to Sheboygan to an apartment. Then Emily will join me after we get married. It appears that my life is on the right track! Yay! ...View Comments (5)
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