Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.


Nov 26

Hello all. It's the end of Thanksgiving for me and it's sort of late but I really wanted to post something about it all. It was a pretty nice Thanksgiving for once too.
To start it from the top, when I was leaving school last tuesday there was a bunch of cops outside my dorm. Apparently a kid suspected of stealing things was sitting in a cop car. I am not sure if he is the person that robbed me but it gives me a smile knowing that something is actually happening.
On my way home I ended up buy a new digital camera. I went with the Kodak EasyShare 8 MP camera for $235. I was originally going to buy a 7MP but they were on sale so I bumped it up to the highest EasyShare model. So far I love the camera. I got my mom the same one but a few models older last year and her camera is great.
Then came the Annual Day After Thanksgiving Sale. We originally were going to go at 11:30 but Emily's brother in law wanted to go earlier. It was probably a good idea that we did because there was WAY more people there this year than any before. We got there this year at 8:30 and where roughly 60th-75th in line. Last year we got there at 11:30 and were probably 50th in line. I blame this mostly on all the hype the PS3 and Wii have been creating with people in lines.
On my list this year were a few things for myself and a few for others. I got the following from Best Buy:
  • 2GB SanDisk Memory Card - $30
  • 60GB Western Digital Pocket Hardrive - $50
  • 3.33 Mhz eMachine PC (For Kate) - $189
  • 5MP Kodak Digital Camera (For Emily) $79
It wasn't a big buy for me this year. I also bought some DVD's and a battery recharger from Wal-mart later.
After the sale I slept ALOT. Since I pulled an all nighter it took me several days to shake it off. The weekend was really fun other than the lack of Emily in it. Next year she wants to come with so it should be fun then. Well I've rambled much too long. Enjoy!...View Comments (0)
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Nov 15

Hello all. There haven't been a great deal of updates on my site as of late. I've been doing other stuff since my room got broke into. Last week I spent most of my free time securing my room which included several trips to the local wal-mart for supplies. I now have a security camera set up in my room window which you can view when I have it turned on. From what I know there hasn't been many break-ins in the last week or so. Not really sure why, you know ciminals don't usually stop half way through.
As far as site news I added a new poll so go and vote! I also posted my schedule for next semester on the site. In the job que I have a few priorities for my site as well. One is improving the photo gallery feature I just added and another is creating a review section of the site. Basically people add things suchs as movies, cds, or products give them a rating and a brief description. I'm not sure how quickly this will come about since I got a lot of school work to do, and of course a new video game/system. I have Resident Evil 4 for the Gamecube now which is already in the list of my top 10 games I've ever played. The game is simply awesome. Go out and rent if you have the chance. Emily's 21st birthday was also recently so wish her a happy birthday if you get the chance.
As far as school goes, well the end of the semester is in sight. This is probably one of the worst semesters of school I've had since, hmm maybe my junior year in high school. It was partially due to a bad class schedule which included me working all day on my day off and taking two really hard general ed. classes. I'll limp through this semester and have a nice fresh start next semester.
Also comming up is the annual day after thanksgiving sale. This year I will hopefully be going to Best Buy and snatching up a digital camera. Click to see what else there is on sale! Well that's all for now enjoy! ...View Comments (2)
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Nov 07

Ugh. What a crappy day it has been. I got back to my dorm room today and noticed that (64) of my DVD's were missing, My Xbox and (10) games were gone and my DVD player was gone. To top it off my screen was broken and obscenities were written on my window with black permanent marker.
Not going to lie, I sat on my bed and started to cry for a bit. I't was because of one of the following reasons:
  • My Stuff was gone
  • It will take some time buying all those movies over
  • My room was violated
  • I'm down over a $1000
Well it was because of one or all of those reasons that I cried. Then sort of a ray of light occured. I noticed my eMachine computer humming away still turned on. I quickly opened my closet to find my $700 dollar guitar wasn't stolen and my $350 amp wasn't either. I think the combination of my computer and guitar equipment being saved plus my brand new iPod cheered me up momentarily. I headed to the security office to find they were there. I stopped back later and talk to the guy. Basically started forming a police report on it all. I ended up missing only one class today due to me prowling the parking lot for cars with any of my stuff in it, talking to people about it, and circling the building looking for anything I could find.
I learned that there have been several other thefts this semester, some even including people entering rooms while other people are sleeping...gez.
Lets take a look at Lakelands crime report for the previous years - Lakeland's Crime Report Funny how there are very few thefts reported for those years. Could it be that Lakeland doesn't want "many" to appear on their site. Why would a college want any prospect students to see this stuff. Therefore I feel the number's on here are slanted. How many stupid drunks walk around at night that are never caught and given a punishment? Honestly give me a break, only 70 some liquor law violations a year? I could easily find that in one Friday night here.
Furthermore the security is wonderful. A 2 x 4 is the only security we get for our windows. How about a friggin camera watching the side of the building? With all the crap stolen this year we could all have paid a bit more in tuition and got camera's and these deviants would have been caught.
Ok back on track Neal...anyways the Insurance company is picking up the cost after $500 (that I know of so far) The theives managed to removed 81 items from my room with a cost of $1,419.63 which comes out to $17.53 per item. One has to wonder how somebody gets 64 DVDs, a Xbox, 10 games, and a dvd player out somebody's window in one trip. Where the hell did these people go with this crap anyhow? The parking lot is a good 30 yards away. Cars are even farther. The closest dorms are 100 yards away. I honestly don't believe that it could have been only one person. It just isn't fesable.
To sum it all up:
  • Lakeland = don't want to go here anymore
  • Time = wasted having to buy all my crap over again
  • Prepared = you betcha, come to my room again a-holes,
  • perhaps this time you'll come when I'm around.
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Nov 02

Hi all!. I'm happy to announce that I have completly revamped my blog on my site. Please check out the new look and feel I have for my blog...I think it is in version 3 right now?
Also I have moved foward and applied a doctype to all my pages on my site. I went with transitional since I use a lot of html markup that strict wouldn't render properly. So what does this mean to all your non web designer people? Basically it means that my site hopefully will look "more similar" in various browsers now. One drawback is some things on my site might look different that they did before. If you notice anything let me know!
I've also been messing around with the photo gallery feature lately too. If you can't get it to work let me know. Emily had some problem with it but I wasn't able to replicate it.
In personal news I miss Emily. I wish I could see her more often since talking on the phone is nice and all but being in person is better. Classes are going slightly better now than earlier. It's almost time to register for next semester classes so I'm excited for that since it will be my last semester of college. Ahh nervousness. Well thats all for now. Go get out my blog board now!...View Comments (3)
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Oct 31

Hello all. Upon request I've add a photo gallery to my site that you can post pictures to and make comments on. Click to view my photo gallery.
This also now shows up on the home page if you scroll down far enough you will notice the most recently submitted photo gallery image. I will probably do more work with the photo gallery feature of the site as I think of new things.
I've also done some changes with the look and feel of my messageboard. It now has a more graphical look to it with gradients. I've also update my openlinks so that it can be sorted. That's all for now!...View Comments (2)
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